Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is everything you make sparkly?
A: Not EVERYTHING, but nearly everything.

Q: Can I wash my projects after I've stitched them up?
A: You can but at your own risk. Some bleeding could occur from the paint, additionally, you risk wrinkling your background. Be careful, use lukewarm water.

Q: Are the backgrounds "paint glued" to the hoops?
A: Nope! Before they're even listed for sale I ensure that they separate happily.

Q: Do I *HAVE* to use your hoops? They are distorted, painted, weird.
A: Of course not! Your project is yours! Some distortion happens when painting happens, due to the excessive amount of water I use. I know this isn't a look everyone likes.

Q: You can stitch on acrylic paint?
A: You sure can! In fact, it's pretty easy! I use a lot of water, so in many places, it isn't very thick. Even in the thickest parts though, you absolutely can stitch through. Fixing accidental holes is fairly easy too if you're careful. You'll find out that it is still really forgiving.

Q: What does it feel like to stitch on painted fabric?
A: Even though I paint on Kona Cotton, the fabric loses its drapiness, or "hand." Acrylic painted fabric becomes a bit stiffer to stitch on, even in the areas with less paint on them. It is definitely different, but you'll get used to it.

Q: I'm freaked out, I'm scared. I am not sure I'll be comfortable stitching on paint.
A: Don't worry! I promise you can do it! I always ensure there is extra fabric around the hoop, with a generous amount of paint. Feel free to use the extra fabric to practice running your needle and thread through it. I promise you can do it!

Q: Do you take custom orders?
A: Nope! BUT you can send me an email requesting specific color combos. We'll have a conversation and take it from there. A small (non-refundable) deposit may be required depending on what you're asking for.

Q: Do you use your hand-painted backgrounds for your mixed media artworks?
A: You bet your tush I do! :D

Q: Can I see process shots?
A: ABSOLUTELY! Follow me on Instagram! I have two accounts, my business account where I share completed projects and shop updates. I also have my personal account where I share process shots of the projects I'm working on, including projects I plan to sell!

HannahRubenstahl on Instagram on Instagram is my personal account. is my business account.